by Sensei Phoenix | Jan 5, 2013 | Blog
Words like dedication, loyalty, spirit, duty, and commitment are always being used by teachers to describe what it takes to learn a particle Martial Arts. In the years prior to the 1980’s these words were often used and practiced by all students who wanted to learn an oriental Martial Art.
Lets examine the definition of these words and how they apply:
- “DEDICATION” to commit [oneself] to a certain course of action or thought
- “LOYALTY” the state, quality, or fact of being loyal; allegiance; fidelity.
- “SPIRIT” the part of a human being characterized by intelligence, personality, self consciousness and will; the mind
- “DUTY” that which one is morally or legally bound to do; obligation; the impelling or controlling force of such obligations.
- “COMMITMENT” to place in trust or charge; consign; to devote [oneself] unreservedly; the act or process of entrusting or consigning.
After reading these definitions of words, what do they mean and how are they applied to ones study of a Martial Arts?
Lets first define Martial Arts, which according to Funk and Wagnalls, means “pertaining or concerned with war or warfare”. Art means “any system of rules and principles, that facilitates skilled human accomplishment. So “Martial Arts” means “the study of Principles that facilitates skilled methods of armed and unarmed combat “COMBAT” means to fight or contend with one or more in a struggle.
The Martial Arts come to us from a time in history when all mankind was fighting to survive. Whether it was for food or possession of a living area, man has devised ways of protecting himself and family from those who wanted to take his possessions. This could apply to a local neighborhood, city or country, but it stills boils down to the struggle for survival.
As the years progressed, sophisticated styles of combat emerged. This was accomplished by bringing people together for protection; thus different methods or styles of combat were joined to form very sophisticated means of combat. Sophisticated means of teaching were also developed so that these new methods of combat could be taught and used by everyone for protection of all in the community.
Dedication was a normal mind set because everyone wanted to be part of a particular system, thus helping in the community, So one committed themselves to a course of action, which improved themselves and the style of combat. By committing to do the exercises, forms, techniques, breathing and general learning, one became a good student.
By having loyalty or allegiance to a particular style one devoted his time, friendship and will to the study of the art. This meant bringing friends, relatives or acquaintances to their dojo so that the dojo could prosper and grow. The more workout partners of different size and weight that you could train with meant that you had to delve deeper into your art.
Duty meant that you committed yourself to be at the place of learning (dojo) at a specific time and place. Colds, stiffness of body and other excuses were never used to prevent you from going to learn. Not doing your duty meant you let yourself, the teacher, family and friends down, thus the possibility of town or village being destroyed.
While commitment is a lot like duty, without commitment the process of entrusting yourself to your school and community and its growth is impossible, thus the failure to protect yourself and loved ones is a consequence of no commitment.
In Seki-Ryu Jiu-Jitsu, the “commitment of the knife” means that your sole dedication or concentration when training or performing a technique is if you are using a “live blade” [steel]. If when training with an “artificial blade”[rubber or wood] one can easily develop a lackadaisical mind set, and when faced with a “live blade” could distort a person’s ability to protect yourself and loved ones.
Now in Modern times, all these things have a different tone to them, but the end results should be the same. The rules to follow should be these:
- Select an Art to learn.
- Set the time aside each day or week to attend classes.
- Once at the Dojo, the body and the mind should also be there, all other thoughts left in the outside compartment- to be opened after class.
- Taking of notes and dedicated practice follows and the commitment should be to learn the complete system, so as to be able to pass on the art to others, so that they may also learn.
The duties of a complete student is first to help in the Dojo. This might include cleaning, putting away the tools of learning such as weapons, striking dummies, towels, mats, and so on. Secondly the student need to bring in new students to help in the growth of the Dojo, create a wider base for learning, training and personal growth of the mind and spirit. Last, a student needs to be there for all the students and the teachers.
In closing “EGO” should never be a part of training. Those that are ruled by their ego are no help in the Dojo, do not facilitate the growth of the dojo, and their learning process is clouded. To think of yourself before others and not be an active participant in the dojo will just show to all, students, teachers, friend, and family, that you are not a true Martial Artist, but one that only wants to play the role.
* Master Phoenix Le Grand, PhD M.A.

by Sensei Phoenix | Jan 5, 2013 | Blog
Even today, hidden Confucian values often appear through the veneer of 20th century sophistication that the son remained implicitly obedient throughout his life and, when the parent died, became an object of worshipful veneration. This obedience and loyalty never wavered.
From the Confucian values, the Martial Arts student learned a deep sense of respect for his teachers. This relationship has always been an important one. An old Korean proverb states, “father and mother are the parents who bring me up, while a teacher is the parent who educates me”. That is the reason why a student was expected to pay as much respect to his teacher as he would to his parents.
Thus the personal bond of loyalty and respect towards the teachers and parents formed a national and family structure.
Though a subject may owe fealty to his King, the King must show respect and loyalty to his teacher—as Alexander the Great did to Aristotle. Though a father may love his son, he can never become his teacher. The father/son relationship is emotional and all objectivity is lost. Without this objectivity, it is nearly impossible to institute and continue absolute control with the learning system. There is an old Korean proverb, “Parents may procreate children, but not their purpose in life”. The greatest challenge and reward for a parent is being able to provide the guidance that will make the child a useful and respected member of the society.
Obviously, it is a parent’s responsibility to provide the proper education which will broaden the child’s knowledge and imbue him or her with a good sense of ethics and morality. It is often impossible for the parents themselves, however, to provide the correct education the child needs. This is because the parent hesitates to force discipline on their children in an objective manner. There is a subconscious fear that it will create a breach in their relationship. Confucius advised, “Children should be exchanged and taught by concerned parents.”
To teach another’s child to become a person of good character, according to the wishes of his or her own parents is a great responsibility. In the eyes of the student, his teacher will occupy an equal position with his own parents. There is truth in the adage that the King, Teacher and Father are one and equal. There must certainly be a degree of love and understanding in all the above relationships, but there must also be a degree of objectivity. This same relationship must also be present in the Martial Arts. The responsibility of teaching this art by instructors whose eventual mission will be to teach students to be physically and morally strong and to help contribute to a more peaceful world.
Certainly a dedicated and sincere instructor is an absolute necessity for any club or school. The club cannot grow and mature with a cadre of equally dedicated and sincere students. Accordingly both instructor and student owe a debt of responsibility to each other that can never be paid.
The following point should be observed by instructors and students alike:
- Never tire of teaching. A good instructor can teach anywhere, anytime, and is always ready to answer questions.
- An instructor should be eager for his students to surpass him; it is the ultimate compliment for an instructor. A student should never be held back. If the instructor realizes his student has developed beyond his teaching capabilities, the student should be sent to a higher ranking instructor.
- An instructor must always set a good example for his students and never attempt to defraud them.
- The development of students should take precedence over commercialism. Once an instructor becomes concerned with materialism, he will lose the respect of his students.
- Instructors should teach scientifically and theoretically to save time and energy.
- Instructors should help students develop good contacts outside the club. It is an instructor’s responsibility to develop students outside as well as inside the training hall.
- Students should be encouraged to visit other training halls and study other techniques. Students who are forbidden to visit other clubs are likely to become rebellious. There are two advantages for allowing students to visit other gyms; not only is there the possibility that a student may observe a technique that is ideally suited for him, but be may also have a chance to learn by comparing his techniques to inferior techniques.
- All students should be treated equally, there should be no favorites. Students should always be scolded in private, never in front of the class.
- If the instructor is not able to answer a student’s question, he should not fabricate an answer, but admit he does not know and attempt to find the answer as soon as possible. Too often a lower degree black belt dispenses illogical answers to his students merely because he is afraid of “losing face” because he does not know the answer. Always be honest with students.
- Never betray a trust.
- Never tire of learning. A good student can learn anywhere, anytime. This is the secret of knowledge.
- A good student must be willing to sacrifice for his art and instructor. Many students feel that their training is a commodity bought with monthly dues, and are unwilling to take part in demonstrations, teaching, and working around the club. An instructor can afford to lose this type of student.
- Always set a good example for lower ranking belt students. It is only natural they will attempt to emulate senior students.
- Always be loyal and never criticize the instructor, Karate/Taekwon-Do, or the teaching methods.
- If an instructor teaches a technique, practice it and attempt to utilize it.
- Remember that a student’s conduct outside the club reflects on the art and the instructor.
- If a student adopts a technique from another club and instructor disapproves of it, the student must discard it immediately or train at the gym where the technique was learned.
- Never be disrespectful to the instructor. Though a student is allowed to disagree with the instructor, the student must first follow the instruction and then discuss the matter later.
- A student must always be eager to learn and ask questions.
- Never break a trust.
* Master Phoenix Le Grand, PhD M.A.

by Sensei Phoenix | Jan 5, 2013 | Blog
Young Children Should:
- Never say they are along if they answer the phone; they can offer to take a message or say their parents will phone back.
- Never answer the door if they are alone.
- Not invite anyone into the house without the permission of a parent or babysitter.
- Not go into people’s house with letting anyone know where they are.
- Never get into anyone’s car without parent’s permission.
- Not take candy or other gifts from strangers or anyone else with asking a parent first.
- Never play in deserted buildings or isolated areas.
- Scream “fire! help me!” and scatter books and belongings if they are forces toward a building or into a car.
- Move away from a car that pulls up beside them if they do not know the driver.
- Be taught their full telephone number and address.
- Be taught that it’s alright to say “no” to an adult if the person wants them to do something you’ve taught them is wrong.
- Know that no one has the right to touch any part of their bodies that a bathing suit would cover.
- Tell you, school authorities or a police officer about anyone who exposes private parts.
- Tell you if someone has asked them to keep a secret from you.
- Go to the nearest cashier if lost or separated from you in a store or mall.
Teens Should:
- Tell you where they are at all times or leave a written or recorded message at home.
- If attacked for money, jewelry or clothing, give it up rather then risk injury.
- Avoid shortcuts through empty parks, fields, laneways or alleys.
- Run home or go to the nearest public place and yell for help if they are being followed.
- Feel that they can talk to you and call you to pick them up any time, any place.
Parents Should:
- Avoid clothing and toys with your child’s name visibly on it. A child is less likely to fear someone that knows their name.
- Never leave a child alone in a public place, stroller, or car. Not even for a minute.
- Always accompany young children to the bathroom in a public place and advise them never to play in or around the area.
- Keep an up-to-date color photograph of your child, a medical and dental history and have your child fingerprinted.
* Master Phoenix Le Grand, PhD M.A.

by Sensei Phoenix | Jan 5, 2013 | Blog
- For many of us, the office seems like a second home. But like a house, it may not always be secure. Take precautions when you’re working late.
- Know your company’s security procedure.
- Keep emergency numbers by the phone.
- Lock your door if possible.
- Don’t go into the rest room if no one else is around, use the buddy system.
- Avoid using the elevator or stairwell with strangers.
- Lock doors and windows with heavy bolts. Secure sliding glass doors. Insert dowel or broomstick length wise into the bottom track of the sliding glass door. Make sure the dowel or broomstick fits snugly so that it can not be popped out. There are anti-lift plates that you can purchase. The Anti-lift plate prevents sliding glass doors from being lifted out of their tracks. Make sure outside doors including those between the House and Garage, are solid metal or wood (at least 1 3/4 inch thick). Install three-inch screws in the hinges of outside doors to make them harder to kick in.
- If you loose your keys or move into a new home, install new locks.
- List first initial and last name on mailbox or door, and in phone book.
- Hang curtains or blinds on every window.
- Leave lights on if you are going to return home after dark.
- Beware of places strangers might hide; under stairs, in doorways and bushes. Trim shrubbery that hide doors or windows.
- Get to know a neighbor you can trust in an emergency.
- Use a peephole in door.
- Ask service men for identification.
- Vary your routine a little each day.
- Have key ready and detour if someone is following, so they won’t find out where you live.
- Never let anyone know you are home alone.
- Make sure yards, porches, and entrances are well lit.
- Avoid fences that are hard to see through, they enable burglars to work in secrecy.
- Don’t hide house keys in mailboxes, planters, or under door mats. Instead, give a duplicate to a neighbor or friend.
- Buy a dog. A 1992 Special Report poll of 191 burglars, found that criminals were more likely to be deterred by barking animals either inside or outside a house or near by, than any other crime prevention tactic.
- If someone says he is in trouble, offer to phone for him but don’t let him inside. keep him locked out and watch him from your window or have another family member watch while you call.
- When you leave a message on your answering machine have a male friend or neighbor man talk in the background, or borrow a dog to bark in the background so you don’t appear to be alone.
- Walk at a steady pace.
- Look like you know where you are going even if you are lost.
- Don’t pass through groups of strangers.
- Don’t walk alone if you are depressed or exhausted.
- Scream if you are in danger. Yell “Fire”!!!
- Keep arms free and be ready to drop bundles and run.
- If you are waiting for a ride, stand balanced, keep hands free.
- Plan your route. Avoid dark places.
- Keep away from doorways, alleys, and unlit parking lots.
- If you are followed, go to theaters, restaurants. stores, etc.
- Carry and use a whistle if needed.
- Don’t accept rides from strangers, Walk facing traffic.
- If someone asks directions, don’t get too close to the car when talking.
- If someone tries to pick you up, turn and walk the other direction, he will
- have to turn his car around.
- Wearing a fanny pack makes it harder to steal your purse.
- Lock car and keep windows up high.
- Check back seat and floor before getting in your car.
- Keep your car in good working order.
- Keep the gas tank at least half full.
- Park in well lighted areas.
- When you return, check rear seat and floor and have keys ready.
- NEVER pick up hitchhikers.
- Drive on a flat tire until you reach a well lighted and traveled area.
- If car breaks down, put hood up, put flashers on, tie a white cloth on antenna and lock your door.
- If someone stops to help, don’t get out of car, roll the window down
- slightly and ask person to call police or tow service.
- If someone needs your help, don’t stop. Call police at the next phone and let him help.
- Don’t go home if you are being followed. Drive to the nearest fire
- station, gas station, or business and honk your horn.
- Get description or license plate number of car following you.
- Don’t take lonely short cut roads
- Never leave your house keys with car keys at service stations.
- Fill car with gas in daytime.
- Try and stay calm and think rationally.
- IF one strategy doesn’t work, try another.
- Turn attacker off with bizarre behavior such as, throwing up or acting crazy.
- After a rape, calling the police quickly gives a greater chance of catching the attacker.
- Don’t shower, bathe, douche,or destroy any of the clothing you were wearing for evidence for court use later.
- Go to hospital emergency room. Make sure you are evaluated for risks of pregnancy and Sexually transmitted diseases.
- Contact a crisis center.
- Write a description of attacker.
- Don’t underestimate your abilities, most women have more strength than they think.
- If you are not trained to handle it, DO NOT CARRY IT!
- Guns and knives can easily be used against you.
- Natural weapons are best; umbrellas, plastic lemon filled with ammonia.
- Most rapists expect you to be passive. Throw him off guard, scream, bite punch, scratch, run.
- Don’t try to defeat him, just get away.
- Half of all rapes happen in the victim’s home.
- Over 70% of all rapes are planned.
- The rapist’s desire is chiefly “CONTROL”, not sex.
- 75% of all reported rapes, women know their attackers.
- Victims do not cause rape. It can happen to anyone.
- Rapists tend to prey on women who look frightened, easily intimidated, or day dreaming.
- Women are taught to be polite and might be reluctant to yell in case they’ve misread a situation. “You’ve got to learn to trust your instincts. The faster you react to a situation the better your chance of getting away.
- Hang up on obscene phone calls, don’t react to them.
- 1 out of 8 American women state they have been raped.
- Think ahead, visualize how you may react in various situations. Planning and acting out different responses can help you avoid freezing in a crisis.
- Teach them to not open doors to strangers or let them use the phone.
- Make them aware of everything above.
- Encourage them to talk to you about problems with strangers, friends, relatives.
- Show them a safe way to and from school.
- Teenage baby sitters should not work for people unknown to them. If the people they do babysit for act suspicious then they should call the police.
- Teenage baby sitters should call their parents and tell them they are on their way home.
* Master Phoenix Le Grand, PhD M.A.

by Sensei Phoenix | Jan 5, 2013 | Blog
- Balance
- Mobility and Stability
- Avoid the Head On Collision of Forces
- Mental Resistance and Distraction
- Focus to the Smallest Point Possible
- Energy Transfer
- Create a Base
- Sticking Control and Sensitivity
- Rotational Momentum
- Transitional Flow
- Exert Continual Pain During Transitions
- Create Maximum Pain Without Dislocating Joint
Mobility During Transition Rather than Stability
*Master Phoenix Le Grand, PhD M.A.